Now Reading: SheetGod – Promptchan


SheetGod – Promptchan

July 3, 20242 min read

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SheetGod is an AI-powered tool that helps users create complex Excel formulas, macros, regular expressions, and basic tasks from plain English in seconds. It also allows users to create Google Appscript code snippets to automate their daily manual work.

The dashboard has a clean user interface, making it easy and simple to use. It also provides step-by-step tutorials for basic tasks in Excel and Google Sheets, making it easy for users to learn how to use the tools effectively. SheetGod can be used to send marketing emails, generate bulk PDFs, create Google Workspace Add-Ons, and Microsoft Excel Add-Ins, allowing users to extend the functionality of their spreadsheets and automate even more tasks.

It also supports regular expressions, allowing users to extract specific pieces of information from their data and apply complex transformations. SheetGod is trusted by over 50000 businesses and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and 1-1 Zoom & WhatsApp onboarding.

More details about SheetGod

Can SheetGod create Excel macros?

Yes, SheetGod is capable of creating Excel macros, enabling users to automate repetitive tasks and better manage their datasets in Excel.

How easy is it to install SheetGod?

SheetGod is easy to install. According to user testimonials, the process of adding the tool is simple and the tool works seamlessly post-installation.

How does SheetGod work?

SheetGod works in three simple steps. First, the user chooses the category of their query, for instance, Formulas, VBA, Regex, Appscript, or Basic Tasks. Then, they pose their question in plain English, providing specific details as necessary. Finally, SheetGod generates an AI-formulated response, which can be utilized instantly.

How does SheetGod help in creating complex Excel formulas?

SheetGod helps in creating complex Excel formulas by converting plain English into Excel formulas. This reduces time and effort spent on manual data manipulation, making this process more efficient.

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